
 Sometimes the really great part of this hobby is creating something new from the vast array of models that are out there. For the Promethium Reactorum board, I need to build some additional terrain pieces that mesh well with the theme and look of the board. 

For all of the eagle-eyed readers out there, you'll notice that the board has Citadel terrain pieces from ages long gone as well as very recent additions. Citadel has done a great job of keeping the artistic language similar enough that I can make them work together. Now I've picked up a few of the new sets (I especially like the Vertigus set) to add them to the board, though I will likely keep them physically unattached to the surface so that they can be moved around for gaming.

So now the question is: What should  I build for the Promethium Reactorum? What would mesh well with the theme of the board? If you have any suggestions, comment below. Maybe the classic 40K crane or the long sought-after 40K train (or monorail)? So many ideas, and lots of terrain parts to work with (there are a lot more that aren't in these pics). Secretly, I have my own agenda for how the board was painted and constructed, which I will reveal once I get some good images of the board fully painted. 


  1. A distillation tower could be fun. Multilayered gantries, etc. I made one out of a halloween ornament for my (much less impressive) refinery: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iRyGiKPgcHA/XFzFhye72lI/AAAAAAAAGZE/pyjVHftZVkEuG23MPXWY0N5SsecI2xjYACLcBGAs/s1600/Board%2B2.jpg

    USCSB videos might have some interesting ideas as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JplAKJrgyew

    1. These are very cool. Thanks for the links, always fun to brainstorm with these kits.


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