WIP Wednesday: Great Conversion of Khorne

I have been building and painting a very thematic Khorne 40K army, and I felt I needed a really great centerpiece for the army. Soon I will show the entire army, but so far it has three units of 8 flesh hounds, three units of 8 chaos marines, (a heavily converted) Kharn the Betrayer, two executioners,  A greater Daemon of Khorne, and a hellforged Leviathan, all coming in around 1500 points. To put it over the edge,  I felt I needed just 1 or 2 additional models, and two more units of 8 something-or-others so that the army consists of 8 units of 8 (a very important number to the Lord of the Skulls). 

Enter my most recent Work In Progress.

I've always thought the Skaarac model was really cool looking, but now that I've started working on it, I am even more impressed. My sense is that this model is one of a dying breed. You can actually see the subtle evidence that this model was sculpted rather than generated by some high-falutin new-fangled 3D CAD designs that have overtaken the 40K universe. This model is organic and raw, and quite simply amazing, perhaps one of my favorite models in 20 years of gaming.  If you know who sculpted the model, I would love to know, but unfortunately Forge World no longer lists the sculptors like the old days.

Although I really like the model, it is unlike me to simply paint it up as-is, and so I have started the first of several major conversions that will bring it more in line with the 40K atmosphere (and give it a real sense of scale): incorporating a dying Death Korps of Krieg guardsman!

Joking aside, I have plans for several major conversions, and the first was to remove the front foot to include a more mechanized looking implant. My goal is to make this model look as though it was a daemonic beast drawn from the warp and "improved" by the Dark Mechanicum. (I will in fact use the rules for a Chaos Knight Rampager to play it on the table. ) 

As you can see, it was a simple but effective conversion, and it seams together nicely without much fuss. My next step will be to get the rest of the basic model assembled, and then begin the more major conversion work. If you can guess the origin of his new shoe, post a comment! 


  1. Great job all-round. Some very important, critical things here. Not only are you flying the flag of hand sculpted, you're also inventing your own story for your models, while keeping it tied in with the established Universe, while adding to the Universe, in your own unique way. These key features are being overlooked more and more these days. Good on you. And good on that Kreiger doing his job.

    And if i had to guess the foots origin, i'd be guessing one of the new Primaris Dreadnoughts?

    May you always roll for first turn successfully!

  2. Thanks. The foot is actually from the Mechanicus Thanatar! Another of my favorite models, but one that comes with 2 extra feet.


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