WIP Wednesday: Promethium Reactorum VII

Now this is starting to look like something! The building stages of phase I (the first 3 tiles of 6) is nearing completion, and it's really starting to get exciting.  Lots of details have been added all over, and my scratch built mobile crane looks even better than I thought it would (I was a bit worried about how it would turn out). I added lots of sand and grit using watered down PVA glue to get the stones and dust on the board.  These will be painted as black stone debris with ochre colored dust, and I've been testing some schemes for that. Still lots to add (more details to the reactorum, more details to the crane, and lots of little details), but this board is getting to the stage of nearly playable.  The full size for these 3 tiles is 6x4, so a perfect size for mid-sized games.  Painting will be a breeze! Or not.

If you look back to my earliest posts, I think I laid out my secret plan to make this board much like a castle siege, but disguised as an industrial complex. That plan is coming closer to fruition, and I think the other 3 tiles will help bolster that even more.

The hover railway serves as a moat, while the reactorum is starting to take shape as the siege target: a castle wall complete with mechanicum ramparts. Just to be clever, I built the mobile crane to serve as a siege tower, which haven't appeared in table top games for decades! We used to build our own from balsa wood in the old days of Warhammer fantasy battle. Now I have the modern equivalent in the works.

The mobile crane moves along the channel in the street, and I used an old tank model that I found from some company in the EU a few years back to form the base (I'll try to find that company, they made a couple nice looking armored vehicles). The sector mechanicus crane is magnetized to the top to rotate. Maybe next week I'll take some detail shots once I complete the crane.

This last shot is the 'rampart-eye' view. You can see what the defenders will see from the invading force arriving from the hover rail and further back. Although its only in the early construction stages, phase II will extend beyond the view in this last picture to include the mechanicum wastes with all sorts of really cool features (more on that soon!)
